Thursday, April 26, 2007
More Growth Ahead for UW Tacoma
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tacoma Police Chief Unveils Strategic Plan

Among the document's 36 priorities is a mentoring program, performance evaluations at all levels, training in law enforcement techniques as well as management, a crime analysis unit, an upgraded forensics department and a more effective patrol schedule.
Other priorities identified in the report include:
- Develop a comprehensive plan to use data in crime management
- Create a progressive information technology department that capitalizes on technology
- Create and implement a leadership review process
- Create a method to address and track community needs
- Integrate community-oriented policing into all job functions
- Create ways for citizens to become involved and participate in reducing crime
- Strengthen community and city partnerships to solve and prevent crimes
- Develop effective external public relationships and a marketing campaign
Ramsdell has worked to rebuild Tacoma’s trust in its police since 2003, when then-Chief David Brame fatally shot his wife, then killed himself. He’s long been a proponent of community-oriented policing, and the plan calls for strengthening those ties and builds on programs and partnerships that have shown success.
One of those partnerships is with the BIA. As part of the renewal process, the BIA Board of Directors is developing a budget to underwrite the cost of one FTE officer salary beginning in May 2008. That line item and the broader relationship between the City and the district will be the subject of a good deal of discussion during the next few months.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Parking & Transit Forums Resume Tonight
First round questions and answers are now available online.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Spring Blooms Downtown

More About 'Go Local'
When: "Go Local"--designed to publicize downtown Tacoma and encourage patronage of downtown merchants--is set to kick off in Theater Square coincident with start of the Tacoma Farmers Market on May 17th.
Sponsors: This promotion brings together a fantastic partnership between the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber's Leadership 2007 Class, the Downtown Merchants Group (DMG), the Tacoma Farmers Market, and Pierce Transit. Special recognition is due Patricia Lecy-Davis, the owner of Embellish Salon and current president of the DMG, for her creative vision and her leadership in pulling all the parties together.
How: Passports will be distributed to the public at the kick-off party. The “Go Local” Passport is a map of downtown Tacoma with room for 30 businesses to be listed, along with a discount or offer, around the perimeter of the map. Each merchant will be provided with a stamp to stamp their offer upon customer presentation/redemption. Additional passports will be made available to the public at participating merchants all summer long. Fully completed Passports (stamped by each business listed) will be collected on October 18th and entered into a prize drawing.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
"All eyes (and wheels) on the street"

Upcoming Intersection Closure
The intersection of 11th & Market is also scheduled for repaving later this season. The repaving of both these intersections will require street closures. Notification of those closures will be sent out the week proceeding the actual work being done.
For more information, contact Jerry Larsen at the City of Tacoma, (253) 591-5600.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Boost Downtown's Best--Nominate!
Ghilarducci Award
Recognizing successful new development, renovation or beautification
Popham Award
Recognizing the individual that has done the most to build “community spirit”
Union Station Award
Recognizing leading organizations, companies or individuals that have built or sustained momentum for revitalization
Schoenfeld Award
Recognizing exemplary performance (and pizzazz!) as a retailer
Past award recipients for each category are as follows:
- Ghilarducci Award - Avanti Spa, Tacoma Art Museum, and Thea’s Landing
- Popham Award - Marty Campbell, Patricia Lecy-Davis, and Sondra Purcell
- Union Station Award – The Grand Cinema, John Tartaglia, and the University of Washington Tacoma
- Schoenfeld Award - Aroma Coffee, heel! Shoes and urbanXchange
Nomination forms are now available, and stakeholders are encouraged to download the forms and use them to recommend an individual, business or organization that are particularly worthy of merit, and submit nominations no later than April 27th. Winners will be recognized at the quarterly City Center Luncheon on May 18th.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Shoreline Height Hearing Tomorrow Evening
A public hearing for this proposal has been set for tomorrow evening as follows:
Date: Wednesday, April 18thThe City has been working with proponents of the changes to help mitigate concerns--mostly from property owners whose current view may be compromised if the changes are allowed. The proposed maximum height of 180 feet would only be allowed if the majority of the building’s use is residential and only under certain other conditions. Projects would also be required to maintain an average of 100 feet between the towers, which would be restricted in width. Projects would also be required to provide enlarged view/access corridors.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Place: City Council Chambers, 747 Market Street, First Floor
The proposed amendment also clarifies the responsibilities of the Thea Foss Waterway Development Authority (FWDA) for conducting design review on all public properties on the west side of the using the criteria and guidelines in the Thea Foss Waterway Design and Development Plan (Foss Plan).
Monday, April 16, 2007
That's Entertainment!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
'Go Local' Passport Program Supports Downtown Merchants
"Go Local" is a project conceived by members of the Leadership 2007 Class, a thirteen-week program sponsored by the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber and Pacific Lutheran University. Selection and completion of a group project is required to graduate from the class.
Passports will be distributed to the public at the kick-off party on May 17th. Additional passports will be made available to the public through participating merchants all summer long. Fully completed passports (stamped by each business listed) will be collected through October 18th and then entered into a prize drawing.
The members of the Leadership 2007 class that created the "Go Local" Passport Program:
- Pam Brewer, Franciscan Health System
- Christina Kitchens, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber
- Donna Miller, Simpson Tacoma Kraft Co.
- David Printz, The Gurus
- Jean Smith, Venture Bank
- Carol Young, United Way of Pierce County
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The World is Coming to Tacoma

Monday, April 09, 2007
Another Opportunity to Investigate Parks Proposal
The City of Tacoma will be hosting another community meeting from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. this coming Thursday evening in the City Council Chambers (the first floor of the Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market St.) as an additional opportunity to share information and respond to questions or concerns in advance of the April 17th public hearing.
There's also a new page on the City's website with information about the proposal.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Public Meeting Update
Despite some rough sledding at the two public input sessions this past Monday, the Tacoma City Council will keep to its plans to hold a public hearing on plans to merge event permitting and planning responsibilities and transfer those operations to Metro Parks Tacoma. That hearing will be held on Tuesday evening, April 17th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Wal-Mart in Downtown Tacoma?

Note the observation from White Plains that their "downtown business improvement district says Wal-Mart has brought a lot of foot traffic downtown". Many districts keep a regular tally of feet on the street, a prime piece of data for retailers. Given our BIA's theme, maybe we should, too.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Sound Off About Downtown Parking & Transit--Round Two

Members of the Chamber's Parking Advisory Committee--who have been wrestling with these issues for over a year on behalf of stakeholders--are also developing a set of recommendations to help inform the City's efforts. The end result may be a more systematic approach to this perennial downtown concern--which seems to have been under debate since cars began...
Monday, April 02, 2007
Seattle Cites Tacoma's Creative Revival
Vesely gets it right, citing the effort as "an initiative to merge imagination and academia into a creative combination" by building on four key pricipals articulated by cultural guru Richard Florida, who has been part of the initiative from the start.
While the Seattle (dba "regional") press has been at times disdainful of all things Tacoman, its been consiostently supportive of the Creative Cities inititative. When will Tacoma's local press do the same?