Friday, December 15, 2006

Stormy Weather

Tacoma's urban center escaped with only minor damages last night as an historic windstorm struck Washington and Oregon with winds in excess of 40 mph (gusts to 60 mph). In Pierce County, the storm caused two fatalities, knocked out power to more than 200,000 residents, and covered roads and property with tree branches.

Downtown's taller buildings provided a great deal of shelter from the winds, so that damage was limited to areas where building patterns help to create a wind tunnel. One such area is 12th between "A" & Pacific (running between the Post Office and the Wells Fargo Plaza tower).

Despite decades of growth, this tree (above right) at the southeast corner of the Post Office lost a large branch.

The sign at left, bolted into the sidewalk south of the former Tacoma Art Museum building, was ripped right out of its concrete footings.

The BIA's investment in durable banners and hanging arms paid off--only four banners had to be replaced today due to wind damage.

Winds bent several of the decorative Holiday Stars installed in November; a few (like the one at 11th & Pacific) will probably remain askew until scheduled removal in late January.

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