Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Water Improvements at 9th and Broadway

Tacoma Water will be replacing 36 feet of 16” CI water main that runs north-south in Broadway at the intersection of S. 9th St (See map). This work will likely affect both East bound lanes of S. 9th St. as well as the parking and sidewalk on that side also. This work will be done by Tacoma Water crews during normal business hours and is anticipated to take place in the next couple of weeks and should only impact S. 9th St. for a couple of days. Tacoma Water crews will maintain through traffic during construction using flaggers. Access to St. Helen's for cyclists will remain open.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Businesses Remain Open During Construction

Business owners surpass the construction’s disruptions to keep their businesses open to the people of Tacoma.

Construction workers in bright, yellow helmets roam the streets of South 25th and South 27th Street. Large cranes plow and transport enormous amounts of debris from one location to the other. Bright, diamond-shaped, orange signs read ‘detour’ and ‘sidewalk closed’.

In June, Pacific Avenue closed between South 25th Street and South 27th Street for an 11-month construction, D-to-M Street Project. This project will bring streets to new grades and construct an overpass that will allow the Sounder Train to extend service to Lakewood. Detour routes are available and, in order to keep South Tacoma Way traffic moving, Sound Transit built a special bypass road.

Although the construction expects to continue through May 2011, businesses remain open. The businesses affected by the construction, such as: Freighthouse Square, Alfred’s Café, Celebrity Cake Studio, The Melting Pot, Crystal Voyage, Stanley & Seaforts, and the Tacoma Dome want the community to know that they are open for business.

Find information and detour maps online on Sound Transit’s D-M Street Project page.